One man's Mission to simply get through a shoot week...

This is the story of a team of dedicated artists and professionals working together to create something great.

Monday 22 November 2010

Days 3 & 4

If you want something done, give it to a busy person.

What crap.

OK so I blew it - a blog every day I said. A record of the shoot week I said. Well I lied. The pace of work AND that certain ginger bearded musical genius friend who supplied the cocktails on the wrap “Dinner” night conspired to lay waste my indefatigable energy and joie de vivre so I was not in any fit state to blog. Suffice to say…

The guys (awesome pic left) went into improv overdrive and as well as shooting what was actually scripted (I have to say this or I might have to apply for refuge status because Ross our editor will kill me for shooting “awesomely-funny-but-totally-uneditable-and-not-what-the-client-signed-off” takes) we had some solid gold moments of comedic genius. And yes - we are going to have to find another hotel to stay in downtown Dallas as they struggle to remove the marks on the flooring…

We were moved on from shooting outside one building because our actor crouched literally 6 inches onto a step outside “their property”. Deserted though it may have been. Of course “Chuck” would have loved to help us out but, like his daddy always took great pains to remind him, rules are rules. Good luck at the gun club Chuck.

Despite Chuck - we found an even better space which belonged to no-one (no-one with security anyhoo) and the new scene was borne. Damn funny. That’s how funny. Diaper filling funny.

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